Thursday, November 8, 2012

Too Tough To Survive

I figured out why people have homes. Hangovers, and wasting time on the internet. Both of those things are much easier if you have a comfortable abode.

I'm thinking seriously about signing up for EBT (food stamps). Until now I never considered it because 1) I hate dealing with the government and 2) I have a Roth IRA retirement account, which may or may not disqualify me. The thing that got me thinking about it was my dad. I had dinner with him the other night, and he suggested it, which blew me away. Before he gave up on life and started watching Fox News, he was a libertarian. Between that and his historically pushing for me to be a lawyer or some shit like that, I was amazed. His rationale was something along the lines of "Fuck the government. Suck those asshats dry." Something of a libertarian argument, I suppose, but not the one I expected to hear from old pops. Seeing as the vast majority of my cash goes to food, I think I'm going to stop blogging and start looking up EBT offices.

I'm putting an end to the Shame Log because my eating habits are no longer interesting. Pretty much I drink my coffee and eat my bagel at Silverlake Coffee, and make my meals from the supermarket deli counter. The other night I went to some bar that I might start playing at and they gave me a cheeseburger and a bunch of beers for zero dollars and zero cents. Good deal.

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